Mid Century Oil Painting by Owe Wessbohn Sweden
Original Mid Century Framed Oil Painting by Owe Wessbohn When I saw the corner of this piece I knew right away that it would be a fantastic piece. I saw the glow of colors in the bottom right corner behind some other paintings that were stacked against a wall in an old shop and had to pull it out to see it immediately. It's the thrill of the hunt. I sort through so many hundreds of pieces of art when out just to find a few. It's a very dirty job actually but when I come across pieces such as this one it makes it all worth while. I am really torn about having this one listed or keeping it myself. The colors are so fantastic. Clear and vibrant in the foreground with more muted colors in the back give this painting life. You can feel the heaviness of the cart the man is pushing. The heaviness is accentuated by the composition form of a triangle. The man's back and the angle of the rocks towards the center create a heaviness and solidity to the subject matter. ...